Losing what we don’t have

The presence of fear in what we love

Evelyn Hull
2 min readJul 21, 2021
Photo by Olga Isakova on Unsplash

Once upon a time there was a little girl who was born without the ability to hear. She lived a happy life and was very capable of communicating with others through signs and text.

Her parents tried all they could to help her hear. For many years they went through surgeries, experimental devices and very expensive procedures, until one day they succeeded.

The first experience she had was horrible, every sound at the same time was overwhelming and frightening, she didn’t understand what was going on. But over time, the little girl was able to use her new given sense to communicate and appreciate life in a totally different way.

One day her mother found her crying, when she asked her daughter what was happening, she told her: “I had a nightmare where I couldn’t hear, I don’t want to be deaf again”.

Most of us can relate with the amazing feeling of discovery, finding a new song, a new flavor, a new TV show, and wonder how we lived so long without knowing it’s existence. But with the realization of discovering something wonderful, the fear of losing it can be overwhelming.

Love is the first thing that comes to my mind when I ask myself: “How do I want to spend my day? I want to spend my day in love”. This wasn’t always a reality in my life, I grew up in a family where feelings were not discussed or acknowledged, and I never learned how to open my heart to others. Love came recently to my life, and after a chaos and resistance to change, I finally felt it within my heart.

How can I be afraid to live without love, if that’s the way I’ve lived my whole life?. It is precisely because of knowing how it was before, that we fear to go back.

Life is a sea of uncertainty and the way it flows is something that we don’t control, we do not possess the love, the time or the attention that is given to us, even our life is not really ours, the universe will claim it one day and continue with the course of life.

So don’t be afraid of losing it, because it is not yours to lose, it is a gift to praise and love for whatever time is destined to be.

